Substance Abuse | Cocaine Addiction Treatment | Cocaine Rehab | Cocaine Solution

1 What Is Marijuana - Cannabis (Cannabis sativa syn. Cannabis indica) is a fiber-producing plant cultivation, but better known as narcotic substances in the seeds, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC, tetra-hydro-cannabinol) that can make the wearer experience the euphoria (feeling of pleasure is prolonged without cause). Cannabis plants are usually made ​​into a marijuana cigarette.

This annual plant can reach a height of 2 meters. Leafy fingers with male and female flowers are on different plants (married two). The flowers are small at the ends of twigs. Marijuana grown only in tropical mountains with elevations above 1,000 feet above sea level.

Marijuana became a symbol of the hippie culture that was once popular in the United States. It is usually denoted with marijuana leaf-shaped characteristic. Besides marijuana and opium is also touted as a symbol of resistance to the flow of globalism imposed capitalist countries against developing countries. In India, some sadhus who worship the god Shiva marijuana use derivative products to perform the ritual worship of hashish by sucking through a pipe Chilam / Chillum, and by drinking bhang.

Since December 10, 2013, Uruguay legalize marijuana for sale and consumption in the country

In some countries this plant is classified as a narcotic , though not proven that the wearer becomes addicted , unlike drugs that use other types of materials of synthetic or semi- synthetic and damage brain cells , which is already very clear danger to mankind .Among cannabis users , a variety of effects produced , particularly euphoria ( elation ) excessive loss of concentration and thinking among certain users .

Negative effects in general are going to be lazy and users will be slow in thinking brain . However , it is still a matter of controversy  , because it is not fully agreed upon by certain groups that support medical marijuana and marijuana in general . Besides claimed as a pain reliever , and treatments for specific diseases ( including cancer ) , many are also those who claim a surge of creativity in thinking and in the work ( especially on the artists and musicians ) .

Based on recent research , this ( surge of creativity ) , was also influenced by the type of marijuana used . One type of marijuana that is believed to help with creativity is the result of modern hybrid " Cannabis Indica " which originated in India with " Cannabis sativa " of the West  . This is the type of cruciferous weed that grows in Indonesia .

The resulting effect is also varied to any individual . There is a certain class of effects that make them feel lazy , while no group has become active , especially in creative thinking ( not physically active like effect produced methamphetamine ) . Marijuana , up until now , has never been proven as a cause of death and addiction . In fact , in the past regarded as extraordinary plants , where almost all of the elements available to it can be used for various purposes . It is very contradictory and different from the effects produced by drugs and alcohol , which causes users become addicted to physically tortured , and even the act of violence and fraud ( a criminal act ) to get the drugs that man-made chemicals .

In scientific research methods systematic review comparing the effectiveness of marijuana as an antiemetic drug showed marijuana is effective as an antiemetic drug compared to prochlorperazine , metoclopramide , chlorpromazine , thiethylperazine , haloperidol , domperidone , or alizapride , but its use is very limited dose , because the number of patients experiencing symptoms of effects psychotropic of marijuana a very dangerous such as dizziness , depression , hallucinations , paranoia , and also arterial hypotension

Cannabis plants have been known to mankind since long and used as material for bags because it produces strong fibers . Hemp seed is also used as a source of oil .

However, because marijuana is also known as a source of narcotics and usability is more economic value , more people are planting for this and in many places abused .

In some countries cannabis cultivation is fully prohibited . In some other countries , growing marijuana is allowed for the benefit of the fiber utilization . The condition is that the varieties grown should contain narcotic ingredients are very low or nonexistent .

Before there is a strict prohibition against marijuana cultivation , marijuana leaf in Aceh become common components of vegetables and served .

For users, dried marijuana leaves were burnt and smoked as a cigarette , and can also be smoked with a special tool called a bong bulb .

This plant is found in almost every tropical country . Even some temperate countries have started to cultivate them in a greenhouse .

In Indonesia , marijuana illegally cultivated in the province of Aceh . Usually marijuana planted in the early rainy season , can be harvested before the drought results.

Yields of marijuana following form twigs and leaves and fruit flowers form small seeds . A mixture of leaves , twigs , flowers , and fruits that have been dried it is usually rolled into a marijuana cigarette . If the female flower is extracted , will produce concentrated resin called hashish .
Pronunciation in other languages

Other designations : marijuana (English ) , tampee ( Jamaican English ) , pots , maui wowie , weed , dope or green stuff ( English slang ) , a joint , baks , skab , jame , jankry , cikmau , ngombreh , or gele ( Indonesian slang ) .
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1 Effects of Drug Use - When we go to the hospital, the morphine type drug often used the medicine for drug resistant. If there is an operation for a patient, like it or not the hospital or the medical team will provide injectable numbness (immune) so as not to feel pain during surgery.

Actually, by definition drug itself is a drug derived from a plant or not plant, either synthetic or semi-synthetic, so it can cause a decrease or change in consciousness, as well as reduce pain for the user.

For it should only be used by the medical or medical teams and researchers in particular are useful laboratories to report the results of his research on the wider community. But unfortunately, sometimes even abused illicit drug use by a particular person or party other than interests.

Just as an example, that marijuana should be for the positive, because abused even become negative and not at all helpful. Therefore, marijuana is used for fun or euphoric moment to suck it like a hand-rolled cigarette made​​. Due to the broader irregularities committed, especially among teenagers, making marijuana included as a prohibited substance that is in a class with heroin.

Almost similar to marijuana, drug use such kind of white powder heroin, cocaine or morphine are used for fun moment. Through the side effects that cause euphoria and hallucinations, drugs like it even makes its like an unconscious person.

Or in other words, taking drugs is the same as the wearer plunged in obscurity future. Because the only happy moment obtained, but the effect of the mental addiction to danger of damage if consumed continuously would deprive the wearer.

The following are some types of narcotics, psychotropic and addictive substances or drugs that are circulating in the community at large, namely:

1 . Cannabis / Maryuana / Cannabis Sativa / Gele / Joints

Plants such as these are widely used parts such as leaves , flowers , seeds and stems , initially serves to overcome the poisoning seasoning and flavoring . However, after much abused , a joint or gele is in the community known as slang meaning that marijuana , used as a compound for hand-rolled cigarettes .

The characteristics of the new people who use cannabis for the first time are :

- The eyes look red
- The body was limp and looked exhausted
- Eyeball be great
- Thoughts like dizzy
- There is an uneasy feeling , but from the outside looks happy

Meanwhile , the ill effects of consuming marijuana are :

- Comprehension reduced brain nerve
- Vision eyes feel blurry and vague
- Lack of concentration
- Supply of blood circulation to the heart is reduced
- Often seen awkwardly in the activities undertaken

As for addicts who feel comfortable in consuming marijuana , looks like :

- Sense of excessive joy ( euphoria )
- Confidence is increasing rapidly
- The sense of hearing is more active and sensitive

2. Morphine

Morphine is a kind of substance which is a blend of compounds extracted from opium by certain chemical substances for pain relief for patients suffering from certain diseases. Indeed, morphine can minimize pain, reduce cravings, and stimulate coughing.

It's just the side effects caused is no less bad that according to the results of the study were suffering from sleeplessness (insomnia) and nightmares. Today, the use of morphine in the medical community has been replaced with other drugs that have similar usefulness but friendly to the wearer.

3. Heroin

Can be referred to as descendants of morphine or opioda semisintatik the chemical processes that can lead to dependence and addiction is doubled compared to morphine. Heroin is widely used by addict by injecting heroin into a muscle or vein / veins in the skin, due to ignorance or a deliberate act to cause effects such as euphoria and hysteria.

4 . Cocaine

White crystalline powder obtained from the extraction of the leaves of the coca ( coca erythoroxylon ) can create a stimulus to the nerve connections by mouth or mix it with a drink that used the medical team in the world of medicine .

However, after arriving at the general public , it is being misused cocaine into a kind of substance or stimulant drugs by injection into a vein or inhaled from the nose with a small pipe . Similar to what is done by the Indians in the Americas , by locals used to obtain cocaine stimulant effects in the fight to his enemies .

Due to the use of cocaine according to research just felt a little while , which is not until fifteen minutes which includes a sense of fun, confident , excited , and increase energy and stamina . It's just a quarter of an hour after that , the good feelings will disappear instantly and turn into prolonged fatigue . In addition users can also experience mental depression and addiction to use it again , again , and again until death .

Psychological or mental effects obtained from the use of cocaine is :

- Hypertension
- Difficulty sleeping
- The eyeball becomes small
- Appetite is lost which causes the thin
- The heart beats faster
- Feelings of uncertainty and so on .

5 . Shabu - shabu

A kind of name that is synonymous with Japanese cuisine , but methamphetamine is called methamphetamine , is a white crystalline powder . Originally created in the late 20th century for people to treat hyperactivity disorder , that is, those which can not be silent.
But over time , even abused methamphetamine with aberrant usage . In Indonesia many celebrities , athletes and musicians whose career was destroyed by taking drugs of this type . Methamphetamine itself actually is shaped pill , but because many abused becomes the use powder using aluminum foil is burned and the smoke is inhaled through the nose using custom-made glass bottle called a bong .

Some of the consequences resulting from Shabu - shabu is :

- The heart was pounding
- Temperature rises
- Can not sleep until pale face
- Incurred high euphoria to hallucinations
- Appetite disappears
- Teeth become brittle due to calcium deficiency
- And , prolonged depression

From the explanation of the five examples of the type of drug , should be to avoid its use . In order , lest future generations later fall into darkness because it has become addicts that can damage the mental and moral .  
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0 Treatment for cocaine addiction

Unfortunate fact about the treatment of cocaine and other drug addiction is that it continues to be used by people who are not addicted to most . For example , less than 10 % of people with substance abuse disorders and less than 40 % of those with substance dependence disorders receive treatment . The statistics seem to be independent of socio- economic or demographic characteristics other but seem to be associated with the presence of other mental health problems ( comorbidities ) .
The main goal for the treatment of symptoms of addiction ( also called recovery ) is abstinence , relapse prevention , and rehabilitation . When a person is addicted should not be doing the first of using drugs , it may be necessary to help avoid or reduce the effects of withdrawal . That process is called detoxification or detox . It's part of the treatment is usually done in a hospital or other inpatient settings ( often called detoxification center ) , in which the drug is used to reduce withdrawal symptoms and medical judgment can often be provided . Drugs used as part of a detoxification depends on the individual depends on the substance . As with many other drugs of abuse , the process of cocaine detox is the most difficult aspect to overcome the physical addiction symptoms and tend to last day . Drugs that are sometimes used to help cocaine addicts abstain from using drugs , including propranolol ( Inderal , Inderal LA , InnoPran XL ) , which lowers some physical symptoms associated with cocaine withdrawal , and vigabatrin ( Sabril ) , drug treat seizures .
Usually much more challenging and time consuming aspects of recovery from cocaine addiction physical is the psychological addiction . People who may have psychological symptoms that are less severe cocaine dependence may be retained in the outpatient treatment program . Those who have more severe addiction , had relapsed after being involved in an outpatient program , or who are also suffering from severe mental illness may require a higher level of structure , guidance and monitoring are provided in inpatient treatment center , often referred to as " rehabilitation . " After inpatient treatment , many cocaine addicts may need to stay at a sober - living community , namely , group - home setting where counselors provide support for continued peace and structure every day .
Another important aspect of treating cocaine addiction help family members and friends of people who refrain from supporting addiction addictive behavior ( codependency ) . Is a loved one codependent provide financial support , reason , or fail to recognize addictive behavior addicts , codependency shrink as friends and family is an important part of the recovery of affected individuals . Focusing on the role of cocaine addiction in the family tend to be more urgent when the person is a child or adolescent , given that people under the age almost always comes in the context of the family . Cocaine addiction treatment for children and adolescents differs significantly from that in adults by young trend addicts need help completing their education and attain higher education or job training compared to the addict who may have completed the parts of their lives before developing an addiction .
What are the signs and symptoms of cocaine withdrawal ?
Withdrawal symptoms and signs of cocaine include irritability , depression , abdominal pain , itching , problems with sleep , and the desire of substance .
What are the long term effects and prognosis for cocaine and crack addiction ?
Drug addiction increases the risk of a number of negative life stressors and conditions . Individuals who are addicted to cocaine at increased risk for domestic violence . Potential medical complications of cocaine abuse , especially when in the form of cracks , including tearing of the main arteries in the body ( aortic dissection ) , which is associated with very high blood pressure . Cocaine use is also a risk factor for having a heart attack .
For children who are exposed to cocaine while in the womb ( in utero / before birth ) , the problems that can cause has been found as early as the baby . In particular , infants with prenatal cocaine exposure has been found to be at risk of having problems with memory and attention . Children of preschool and school age has been found to be at risk of having difficulty paying attention and adjust their behavior if they have been exposed to cocaine in utero . Children with a history of cocaine exposed during the first trimester of development in the womb tend to experience slower growth in the long term compared with children who did not .
Even if treated effectively , the prognosis of cocaine dependence is not without its challenges . Recovery from substance abuse is usually characterized by episodes of remission ( abstinence from drug use ) and relapse .
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0 Cocaine use Among Teens

Cocaine is a powerful drug that can be snorted, injected when dissolved in water, swallowed, or smoked as crack. It is often referred to as coke, snow, flake, blow, or other terms. Cocaine is highly addictive and dangerous. According to the NIDA about eight percent of high school seniors had used cocaine.
What are the signs of cocaine abuse?
Immediate signs including increased energy and mental alertness, dilated pupils, decreased appetite, increased heart rate, blood pressure, and temperature, as well as rapid speech.
Users often have a runny nose or bloody nose often.
Paranoia, anxiety, and panic can be a response to the drug.
Drastic weight loss and not irregular sleep are signs of cocaine use.
Depression caused by stopping the use of drugs.
Drug paraphernalia such as a mirror and a razor blade, rolled money bills, small bottles with lids, small plastic packets, small spoons such items.
Loss of interest in activities and withdrawal from or change in friends.
Often require or steal money.
Why teenagers cocaine abuse?
Cocaine affects the brain chemistry that creates the sensation of pleasure and usually improve sight, sound, and touch. Users often claim that cocaine helps them perform physical and mental tasks faster and easier, although it can also have the opposite effect. Cocaine users typically find that they need to take more of the drug to produce the same effect or even just feeling normal. So cocaine use often leads to addiction replacing school, friends, and family.
What health hazards associated with the use of cocaine?
Those who suffer from cocaine nose problems such as loss of smell, nosebleeds, problems with swallowing, and a chronically runny nose.
Ingested cocaine reduces blood flow and cause gangrene in the colon where the dead tissue.
People who inject cocaine have puncture marks, can have an allergic reaction, and suffer the risk of getting a sexually transmitted disease by sharing needles.
For all users of cocaine can cause heart attacks, strokes, seizures, abdominal pain and nausea, malnutrition, muscle spasms, and respiratory failure.
Frequent users often suffer from increased irritability, restlessness, and paranoia. They also suffer from the risk of full-blown paranoid psychosis in which the user loses touch with reality and suffers from hallucinations.
What about mixing cocaine with other substances?
Many cocaine users mixing cocaine with alcohol because the combination intensifies the euphoric effects of the drug. Human liver combines cocaine and alcohol and creates cocaethylene. Mixing alcohol and cocaine significantly increases the risk and according to NIDA "is a combination of the two drugs are the most common cause of drug-related deaths."
Cocaine is often mixed with other substances during processing. These substances are often unknown to the user and can be harmful to the body.
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0 Affect cocaine abuse

Cocaine abuse has high potential in many countries around the world and is the second drug most abused in the United States. Cocaine is a highly addictive drug that can quickly develop into a serious addiction in a short time. According to the Minnesota Institute of Public Health and Drug Prevention Resource Center, 5000 adults in the United States try cocaine for the first time each day. Cocaine use among men is almost twice than women.
Cocaine Cocaine Abuse and influence can be ingested by inhalation (snorting), smoking or injecting it. Whatever is the method of consumption, Cocaine abuse pose a high risk for abusing mentally, physically and socially.
Affect on the brain:
Cocaine, when taken in small quantities, making feel happier abused, energetic, and mentally alert. As an actor continues, it will be more tolerant to high doses of drugs and drug addiction eventually. Long-term use of cocaine results in increased irritability, anxiety, auditory hallucinations, mood disturbances, and paranoia. Affects on the body:
Cocaine abuse affects the physical body and sleep decreased appetite, increased heart rate, temperature, and blood pressure, muscle spasms and convulsions, and dilated pupils. Repeated snorting cocaine have a high potential damage nasal tissue. Long-term use of cocaine results in an attack of heart rhythm, chest pain, respiratory failure, strokes, seizures, headaches, abdominal pain, nausea, etc.
Affect on emotions:
Cocaine intake triggered large-violent and erratic behavior in abused. As drug abuse continues to rise we could see significant changes in behavior such abused lie, cheat, and steal, become anxious, hostile or angry without any reason, etc.
The spread of this terrible disease:
Syringes and needles used for cocaine abuse are not sterile and may have been used by many people before. Neither traders nor misused most do not care about it. This makes a very potential cocaine abuse for transmission of diseases such as HIV / AIDS, hepatitis, etc.
Cocaine abuse can often lead to seizures or fatal heart attack, although it is used for the first time. Adolescents more vulnerable to drug abuse, and abuse of drugs such as cocaine can lead to addiction, in a short time. Thus, it is important to find addiction in the early stages and take action as necessary.
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0 Take the First Step towards Cocaine Addiction Treatment

Treatment for others begins with detection. There are various signs and symptoms that can help you determine whether someone close to you is addicted to cocaine. If you yourself take cocaine regularly or on occasion, there is a questionnaire that can help you determine whether or not you are addicted. Addictive properties of cocaine had been clear since the early 1900s. Problems associated with addiction is disturbing the public at that time. Today popularized cocaine as a recreational drug has crossed disparity, and has become more popular among the upper middle class. Cocaine is the second most popular drug in the U.S. (the world's largest consumer of cocaine) and surprisingly in vogue among the students. Some signs of immediate and short-term cocaine use is the dilated pupils, increased heart rate and blood pressure, decreased appetite and increased temperature. Cocaine users experience a brief period of euphoria before the intense feelings of depression may be accompanied by nosebleeds, hoarseness and difficulty swallowing. Addicts typically show impaired mood irritability, and restlessness. In the long run, they end up with paranoia, auditory hallucinations, seizures and tremors, loss of appetite which leads to dramatic weight loss and nutrition, and of course, a constant craving for cocaine. And as arguably the most difficult symptoms of this condition, cocaine addicts tend to relapse even after long periods of sobriety. To test yourself, addiction quiz found on site treatment of cocaine addiction usually ask if the user is using drugs at the expense of their loved ones, their jobs or their physical health. Some questions also focus on the frequency of drug use. Only one point a positive answer to addiction. is addiction treatment online website that offers an online alternative to traditional methods of addiction treatment. They offer cocaine addiction treatment, as well as restore program for alcohol addiction, gambling addiction, sex addiction, codependence addiction, and more. For more information, visit or call 877-999-1284 free pulsa.kain
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0 Wearing a result of Cocaine

Disruption will be experienced when using cocaine:

  -   Feel uneasy.
  -   Feel excessive excitement.
  -   Felt himself more powerful and stronger.
  -   A lot of talk and conversation was not directed.
  -   Inability to concentrate and memory dropped dramatically.
  -   Apathetic nature arise.
  -   Arise maladaptive behavior (trait fear, suspected in others).

When addicts stop using cocaine cocaine sudden it will cause symptoms of cocaine drop syndrome. The characteristics of the syndrome are more exposed to cocaine drop:

     Dilated pupils (pupil dilation).
     Excessive sweating and feeling cold.
     Stomach feels queasy.
     Heart pounding.
     Increase body temperature / fever.
     Feeling of depression and insomnia.
     Retardaksi psychomotor (lost power) or in other words to be lazy and happy sleep.
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